Thursday, June 03, 2004

Plans NEVER work [by Dufidusen]

Don't EVER make plans... not even for fun. You'll never win! I know - NEVER is a tough word to use... not supposed to use the word, without touching wood, clapping a bald guy, pulling a red haired girls hair and so on, but it is said so...

Even if you pinpoint your plan down to minutes, hours, milliseconds... give it up! SOMEONE or SOMETHING, will always find its way into your nicely structured little plan and screw it up... I've been killing myself lately, with this self-study thing and it means that I have no teacher and no classes to attend to. 'Aha', most people would think. 'how nice', 'It means you have loads of time to structure your studying'. Bullshit (sorry I'm infesting this nice blog with swearing)!

I've been making a foolproof timetable, with what time to read, what time to study the text closely, what time and minute to do my notes, and when to finish it all... Juuuust didn't count in, that:
- I live 5 meters from a kindergarten: Noiselevel = HUGE
- I live 10 meters from a school: Noiselevel = TREMENDOUS
- I live next to an Enrique Iglesias-loving old hag, who's 60 and thinks and acts like she's 16 (or maybe she's trying to hint out something to my Spanish BF???): Noiselevel = Abnormally high (the whole block can hear Enrique 'Bailar')
- I live 2 floors UNDER and opposite a neighbour who feels like oh, lets say, just for FUN to polish his wooden floors with a huge ACME 3000-machine. Noiselevel = Annoyingly high
- I live RIGHT BELOW an insanely demented woman and her immensely retarded boyfriend (There's so much negative stuff about this couple that I have to make a separate blog to these... they are just so unbelievable), that all the cotton in the world wouldn't make up for the sound they're producing. Oh, no, it's not that 10 sec. Lovemaking sounds... it's the bloody CLAMPETYCLAMP sound coming from they 500 kilo bodies, and they're neanderthalway of walking... Never have I heard people walk so LOUD, the loud vibrations penetrates our floor and goes straight into my little ears... they walk with their heels. Most strange thing is, they keep this going for HOURS, in a 58 Sqm flat! Do they have the closet to Narnia?? Some strange extension to another flat I haven't heard of??? Are they on straight Caffeine??? Who walks for 2-3 hours straight every night in a 58 Sqm flat?? (I'm so baffled about this, that I have to ask again!) I know I sound winy, but I have been putting up with this for 4 years - have been taking action - no reaction!... (definitely HAVE to make that extra blog about them)
Noiselevel = Outrageously, clampetyclampstabbingly, earpenetrating, cardiovascularmeltdownmenacingly LOUD!
- I suffer from sudden sleep disorder... Suddenly I get sleepy! What to do? Can't just skip my plan because I'm sleepy
- I also suffer from Sudden hunger disorder: Suddenly I get hungry - and outside my timetable...! Doesn't fit with the from "12.15-12.50: read" plan... doesn't give a damn... when my stomach is hungry - it's REALLY hungry - and food is the only thing which calms it... just like a baby. How does one plan this?

My nerves are suffering from this, I'm definitely not made for shutting in my opinion and anger... I'm Latin... where's my temper when I need it??? That temper that makes you forget who you are, where and what you're doing (and are wearing) and just speak up your mind. (Who cloned me and removed my precious Temperament??)

I shake every time I just THINK about going up there and yelling, like I'm demanding my freedom back... (Oh, definitely HAVE to make a blog about this)

Starting to get hear murmurs, and I've beginning to hear a small voice lately, not sure where it comes from? Is that stress?? From anger?
And I looove structure, and make it well... just not plans... not my plan, and I hate Forrest Gump for his 'Life is like a box of Chocolate... yadidadida'... just like plans; You never know what you're going to get!

Maybe Life's trying to tell me to be more spontaneous... well, I am... more than one needs to be... (don't mix it with Temper)... but I so desperately want my plan to work. I can't include every single variable. No can't do. No-one can!

So conclude this: Plans are like statistics and economical analysis: BULL!!


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