Wednesday, May 12, 2004

Hello. My name is Laura. I'm addicted to blogging.

I guess I should start from the beginning. I got introduced to online chatrooms (remember The Park?) when I was an art student, and I simply haven't looked back ever since. I was one of the first people I knew who had an e-mail address. Then I had a personal website at Geocities (remember Geocities?). At that time, the addresses were something like, which is probably why personal websites remained largely just that – personal. It was only a matter of time to graduate into to a Napster (remember Napster?), ICQ, AIM, MSN and Yahoo messenger user.

As with most people, I got introduced to blogging by a friend. Since then, I'm writing or participating in no less than five weblogs and barely a thought passes my mind without it being subjected to the blogger's scrutiny: Is it interesting? Is it funny? Can it be published in my next post? Can I build a whole post around this thought? I've even attempted blogging via my mobile phone – and with the new e-mail blogging feature it's actually a feasible project – and I in turn have introduced most people I know to web logs, although not that pick the habit themselves.

These days, I've toned down the excessive usage – I only have a couple of e-mail addresses and mainly use MSN messenger to keep in touch with friends and family – except when it comes to updating my blogs. I don't have much going for me in the career department, and earlier today I was on the subject to one of my friends, who's convinced that I have literary talent and something to say; she suggested that I should start writing a column for a newspaper. My reaction was that of immediate denial, but because I'm, of course, tickled by the idea that someone thinks my ramblings are worth reading, and because I actually enjoy writing and have wondered whether I could withstand the pressure of so-called serious writing – I could go on – I decided that I will take up the challenge.
"Tell you what, I'll start a new blog as an experiment to see if I can write a regular 500+ words in column format," I said.
"Yeah, why not!"
"And then I'll recruit you as a guest columnist."
I used to work with the lady, and in the office we used to joke that she's not allowed to speak at home because at work you simply cannot get a word in when she gets up to speed on a subject. I dare say she will have a thing or two to say.

So, this web log isn't really a blog in the sense that I understand the word. It's a project, an experiment, and it's my twisted little plot to try and get more of my friends on the web. My ambitious plan is not only to test my own capacity, but also have guest columns from friends and family who wouldn't normally write things. I think it's a great idea. I admit that I lured you in with false advertisement; I have no intention to quit or cut down on blogging – I want to spread the love!

Come on. Write a column. Go on. I dare you.


Blogger L said...

I hate typos - sheesh! Why didn't anyone tell me I'm missing a word in "Although not that pick the habit themselves"? The word is, of course, many, and should have lodged between 'that' and 'pick'.

1:01 PM  

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